Most City of Portland permits are time, date and location-based, which means that you must provide the date, hours and exact location of your intended shoot on your city bureau application. Please read and follow instructions on applications below.
How to Pay: All payments for PBOT and Parks permits will be made through the Parks Customer Service Center. You can pay by phone by calling 503-823-2525 (option 0), or in person at 1120 SW 5th, First Floor. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted.
Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), Traffic Division
Parking Application
B Roll Application
Sidewalk/Street Application
UPDATED Parking, Street, & Sidewalk Permit Fee Schedule 2023
More Information:
Contact: Allison Madsen, Traffic Engineer/Film Liaison
Email: Allison.Madsen@portlandoregon.gov
To apply for permits to film on city streets, sidewalks or to reserve parking, please fill out the PBOT ROW/Parking Application for Film/Photo Projects and email to the Portland Film Office: filmoffice@prosperportland.us. Permit requests must be submitted AT LEAST THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR SHOOT. More lead time may be necessary depending on size and location of shoot.
The Film Office will review your application for all necessary information to ensure expedited processing; your permit request will then be submitted to the Portland Bureau of Transportation for review. Please note that permits are time, date and location-based, so providing all information requested on the application is essential for speedy processing. Please feel free to copy or add additional pages to the application if needed.
When your permit has been approved, permit fees may be paid by phone (with Visa or MasterCard) by calling 503-823-2525 option 0.
Most permits require that three (3) days prior to your shoot, you must distribute a letter of notification to the residents and surrounding businesses in the area. More information on this permit condition here: Notification and Permit Conditions for ROW
All Street, Sidewalk and Parking Permits are issued with the condition that proper notification, barricades, signage, and flaggers are obtained and properly set up by the production. More information on these requirements here: Notification and Permit Conditions for ROW
Film activity is also limited during holiday and Portland Rose Festival events, so please see moratorium map or contact the Film Office for more detail.
If you are applying for Parking Reservation for no more than three block faces and no more than two locations, you may obtain a parking permit through the City of Portland's Parking Permit Center. Please note that this parking permit's fees and procedures differ from the PBOT parking permit described above. More information on this permit option here.
Portland Parks and Recreation (PP&R) Portland Parks Film Permit Fees and Conditions
More Information:
Contact the Parks Customer Service Center:
Ph: 503-823-2525 option 0
To apply for a permit to film in a City of Portland Park, fill out Parks Permit Application. Please note that PP&R permits are time, date and location-based, so providing all information requested on the application is essential for expedited processing. Also note that application fee doubles if you submit less than three (3) days before your shoot.
All Portland parks listings and amenities can be found here.
The Customer Service Center team will work with PP&R supervisors to determine if your requested park space is available for permitting and will facilitate any special accommodations for the shoot. Once a permit is approved, a use fee is paid and the permit is issued to the production.
Permit fees may be paid by phone (with Visa or MasterCard) at 503-823-2525 Option 0.
Filming/photography on City owned property requires the following:
$250.00 Application Fee (non-refundable)
Approval to Film - from other affected or potentially affected Bureaus i.e., PBOT
$5,000.000 Security Deposit – due after application is approved & prior to filming; will be returned less any film fees
Certificate of Insurance with AIE (Additional Insured Endorsement) - see below regarding details
Exhibit - Includes aerial view / floor plan indicating areas, date, and time of filming
Executed Film Agreement
Two weeks lead time
Please find the attached application to complete when you are ready. Also below I have included some helpful items below to help with the application process.
State Business Registry - (print or e-print “screen shot”)
City Revenue for Business Taxes - this requirement confirms the business operating in the City are in compliance with the City’s tax law.
To find your account number search at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/revenue/lookup/index.cfm?ID=185168&showDetail=yes
If this is the first time you are registering with the City, you are welcome to provide me with a “screen shot” of the application.
if you feel your business is exempt please follow the process to request an exemption.
Certificate of Insurance with AIE (Additional Insured Endorsement) - Once your application is approved we would need the Certificate of Insurance with the following prerequisites. Since it often takes longer than expected we recommend starting on it sooner.
“Commercial General Liability” (CGL): of $2MIL each occurrence or a combination equal to at least $2MIL from the CGL each occurrence and Umbrella Liability coverage each occurrence.
“Certificate Holder”: The City of Portland and its officers, agents and employees 1120 SW 5th Ave, #1204 Portland, OR 97204
Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/Exclusions added by endorsement special provisions
Sue Connelly
Email: sue.connelly@portlandoregon.gov
Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), Off-street Operations
SmartPark Garage Locations and Nearby Public Venues
SmartPark Garages Film Request Application
SmartPark Film Request Fee Schedule
Contact: SmartPark Team
Email: PBOTSmartParkOps@portlandoregon.gov
Application Process
1. Contact the PBOT SmartPark team to see if the location is available. Availability depends on time of day and potential impact to parking operations.
2. Email the required documents to PBOTSmartParkOps@portandoregon.gov
a. SmartPark Film Request Application
b. Site Plan – Applicant must provide a site plan that identifies special equipment that may be used (for example, generators, barriers...)
c. Certificate of Insurance with AIE (Additional Insured Endorsement) -- For insurance requirements please see: Liability Insurance Guidelines
3. Apply for other City permits as needed. See Permits — Portland Events and Film Office.
4. If approved, all fee payments will be made through the SmartPark garage operator.
a. Applicants may also purchase validations for parking during the duration of filming.
5. Arrive for filming at the approved time. Applicants must follow the SmartPark Garages Rules of Conduct.
6. After completion of filming and after approved time frame, leave the garage how it was when you arrived.
Contact Portland Police Bureau (PPB) or Portland Police Association (PPA)
Officer hires to drive PPB vehicles and/or to help direct traffic:
Annie Lamb
Portland Police Association
(503) 225-9760
Email: annie@ppavigil.org
Office of Neighborhood Involvement, Noise Control Program
Submit noise variance application at Noise Control Office at City Hall.
More Information: Noise Control Office website
Phone: (503) 823-7350
If production will be operating outside the hours of 7AM - 6:00PM, a noise variance will likely be needed.
In addition, a noise variance permit will likely be needed for activities above normal decibel levels such as:
Car crashes
Loud generators
The office is located at Portland City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 110 (Monday-Friday 8AM -5 PM).
If you have questions, contact the Portland Film Office.
Portland Fire & Rescue
Scott Holland and Michelle Coefield
Assembly Inspectors
Fire Prevention Division
Office: 503-849-1567 and 503-823-3955
For information, please contact the Portland Film Office.
Portland Water Bureau
Contact: Aron Anderson,Hydrant Permit Program
Phone: (503) 823-1256
Email: Aron.Anderson@portlandoregon.gov