Events Action Table
Founded in 2021 through an initiative at City Hall and housed in Prosper Portland’s Events and Film Office, the Events Action Table is a monthly hosted conversation for Portland’s event industry. Led by Ness Zolan from the Events & Film Office, these meetings feature invited presenters, roundtable discussions, a chance for new attendees to introduce themselves, and resource-sharing opportunities.
The Events Action Table is open to everyone in the event world – creators, producers, promoters, performers, artists, venue owners and operators, nonprofit leads and business owners, public sector employees, permitting experts, and anyone else interested in gathering and collaborating to produce events in the city of Portland. No prior event production experience is required to join these conversations.
The Events Action Table Steering Committee was inaugurated in 2023 to help guide the direction of this table. Steering Committee members: Michelle David, Debra Porta, Dylan Reiff, Delia Tethong, and Dustin Tolman.
Join Us
Sign up for access to Zoom and in-person events and register for the Prosper Portland mailing list here.